Creating a Journal Post

Creating a Journal Post
West Valley Naturalists

This is a very brief outline. Refer to this instructional video for more information. Or you can select a link below to go to a specific spot in the video for a quick refresher.

Before you start creating, please refer to the Guidelines for Authors for very important information about content and style.

  1. Login to using the username and password that was assigned to you.
  2. Go to Posts > Add New.
  3. Type a title. Keep it short.
  4. Type a byline in this format:

    by Your Name

  5. Make your email a clickable link.
  6. Make a new Paragraph block and type your first paragraph. Keep it fairly short.
  7. Insert a More block.
  8. Insert a Paragraph block and continue with your journal. Add gallery or image blocks as needed.
  9. Categorize your journal. Uncheck the Uncategorized box and check the appropriate category for your journal.
  10. Tag your journal. Keep tags singular rather than plural—e.g., “bird” and not “birds,” “raptor” and not “raptors.”
  11. Publish your journal!