by Linda de Kort, photos by Frank de Kort
The Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, are considered to be our native love bird because their courtship behavior and devotion to each other are legendary.
Some of the male mourning doves are able to remain in the valley through winter if they have found a friendly bird feeder or a snow-free granary. These males have a major advantage; they can ferret out the best nesting sites before the others return from their wintering grounds (as far south as Panama) in the spring. A male will mark his territory and proclaim his intent with his recognizable romantic plaintive coo. He perches with neck arched and it appears as though every muscle is tense in an effort to make this a perfect performance to entice his future mate. The female responds with a thinner and more variable song. She chooses the nest site from within the territory the male has claimed. She will generally choose a crook of a tree, a flowerpot or even a hollow on the ground for their nest, which is made of an assembly of twigs, grass stems and pine needles. The nest is made over 2 – 4 days with quite a bit of ritual. Each time the male returns with a twig there is an exchange of caresses and coos, followed by preening and feeding of the female by the male. The female then weaves the stems into the nest one by one. The nest is unlined because the eggs do not need insulation since the devoted pair never leaves the nest unattended. The male generally incubates during the day and the female at night. When this changing of the guard occurs it is also accompanied by gentle nibbles and shared preening. The bonded pair can also be observed grasping beaks and bobbing their heads up and down in unison. The pair generally has only two eggs in the nest. They can also store large quantities of seeds in their crops so they do not have to leave the nest frequently for foraging. The crop is an enlarged portion of the esophagus. Because the nest is always occupied by one of the parents, the eggs do not need to be speckled nor camouflaged. Mourning dove eggs are white and the clutch size is generally two. Because of constant incubation chicks hatch within two weeks and both parents immediately provide their hatchlings with rich crop milk. Crop milk is the consistency of cottage cheese and has more protein and fat than mammalian milk. Parents open their beaks and the hatchling sticks its head into the open mouth and consumes food right from the parent’s crop. They eat seeds from the parent’s crop in the same fashion. Because of all this rich food and constant attention the young are ready to leave the nest in two weeks. With this quick turnabout time from egg to fledgling (about four weeks), the devoted pair can begin a new brood. In Montana, mourning doves can raise up to three broods during the nesting season, which is from April through September.

The mourning dove is the only native North American bird to breed in every contiguous state. Their US population is estimated to be more than 400 million, but despite these numbers their lives tend to be short and difficult. In any given year, more than half of the adults and two thirds of the first year birds will die. It is a good thing that they are adapted to produce many broods per season for their population to keep us with this mortality. The mourning dove is a legal game bird in most states and on their wintering range in Latin America. In the US alone, hunters take more than two million birds annually. Doves also face the less visible problem of lead poisoning because they forage on the ground and in heavily hunted upland bird areas they wind up eating fallen lead shot. Predators, including house cats, and bad weather are also limiting factors to these gentle birds.
Some have feared that the rapid increase in numbers of the non-native Eurasian Collared-Dove might have negative effects on our native doves. The Mourning Dove’s long slender tail distinguishes it readily from the square tailed Collared-dove. The Eurasian Collared-Dove is also a bit larger and has a dark ring around the back of the neck rather than the Mourning Dove’s sweet cheek smudges. Over the past decade however, since the invasion of the Eurasian Collared-Dove, the population of our native Mourning Doves seems to have remained steady. We hope that they continue to flourish. If you would like to attract these graceful melodious birds to your yard you can plant dense native shrubs or evergreens, provide seeds on a platform feeder and keep your cats inside. Then anticipate the soulful coo of this tender bird as courtship begins.
You can find many more articles about our local birds by going to the Flathead Audubon website: