Editor’s note: Images provided by Barbara Boorman as an accompaniment to her article about fighting wildfires. Captions are transcribed from the reverse side of the photo. To read Barbara and Pat’s history of firefighting in the Flathead Valley, click here.
Lillian Neas Boorman and Bertha Boorman on tower of Blacktail Lookout, Sec. 18 T 26N. R 21 W. 7/30/1935
Al Williams on Blacktail Lookout, Aug 19, 1937
A.E.B. Locating the red demon from the summit of Blacktail Mountain.Higgins, Blacktail Mountain. No date.Tower – 40 ft. Blacktail Lookout. Sec. 18 – T26N – R21W. Dog: Fritz. Bertha on the summit of Blacktail Lookout looking for the “red demon.” Tuesday, July 10, 1934.Bertha Boorman Peters, Lillian Neas Boorman, Miss Colby and Harry W. (Weldon?) at the base of Blacktail Mountain, ready to ascend to the summit over trail #231. They spent the night on the summit. July 30, 1935.A. E. Boorman and dog Fritz. Blacktail Mountain Lookout. 8-19-1937.A. E. Boorman, Haskill Mountain Lookout. Aug 17, 1937.
Ted Grimm – Lookout man on Blacktail Mountain – 1935. 7-30-1935.