
Below is a link to all of the videos that have appeared on the web site in the context of the journal post in which they appeared. Click on the journal title to view.

To Dabble or to Dive?

Several short clips of ducks dabbling or diving for food, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

  • Ruddy Duck Diving
  • Ruddy Duck and Lesser Scaups diving
  • American Widgeons dabbling
  • Gadwall and Chicks dabbling
  • Northern Shoveler dabbling
  • Ring Necked Duck pair diving

Herd on the Move

A short clip of the West Valley elk herd moving through the woods, taken along West Valley Drive.

White Faced Ibis

Two short clips of white-faced ibises feeding and flying, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

  • Ibises feeding
  • Ibises flying

Eagles Everywhere

A short clip of a juvenile bald eagle preening, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

Coot Parenting

A coot parent attacking two chicks, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

The Ruddy Duck

Two clips of ruddy duck behavior, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

  • Ruddy under attack
  • Ruddy Duck preening

The Shoveler Mating Game

A short clip of several male Northern Shoveler ducks courting a female, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

Swan Song

A clip of roughly 75 tundra swans, dabbling and singing, taken at The Potholes (see Locations).

Turkeys en regalia

A clip of several tom turkeys strutting and displaying in a flock, taken along KM Ranch Road.

Elk Herd Grazing

A clip of the West Valley elk herd grazing, taken along West Valley Drive.

Hoodies in the Hood

Two clips of hooded mergansers (male and female) and several other species, taken at Swan Lake.

  • Hooded Mergansers
  • Buffleheads, canvasbacks, goldeneyes, and hooded mergansers, taken at Swan Lake.

Pileated Woodpecker

A clip of a pileated woodpecker female on suet, taken along West Valley Drive.

More on Nuthatches

Three clips of nuthatch behavior, taken along West Valley Drive.

  • Nuthatching
  • Nuthatch Box
  • Nuthatch Fight

Turkey Tango

A clip of two male turkeys trying to attract a female, taken along Kuhns Road.

Redtails vs Eagle

Two retail hawks chase an eagle who has gotten too close to their nest, taken along West Valley Drive.

Pileated vs Ponderosa

A pileated woodpecker looks for food in a ponderosa pine and takes no prisoners.

Below is a scrollable list of a variety of bird and mammal videos without context or additional information, many of which have not appeared on the web site. Following this link will take you to YouTube, but you will not see relevant videos at the end of each clip. You may play the entire list or select specific videos to view.