Late Spring

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by Pat Jaquith

Linnea borealis (Twin flower)

Spring is in full swing! Everywhere you look, something is bursting with color, singing exuberantly, or growing so fast you can almost hear the cells expanding! I could almost hear the bells ringing as I lay in the damp grass looking at a patch of Twin flowers! Here are some of my favorite images taken in the third month of Spring.

June is not a subtle month: shades of green shout on a blue-sky day that might bring rain. Bowser lake is still as full of water as it gets. 6.22.18
These eggs may hatch any day 6.18.20
Cypripedium montanum White Lady’s Slipper 6.24.20
Whitetail buck antlers have a good start 6.24.20
Wood Duck family on an outing 6.17.20
Gentianella amarella near a trail in the Pig Farm trail network 6.19.20
Western Tanager in Serviceberry shrub 6.17.20
Doe and one of the twins wait for the other one to cross the road 6.24.20
A sea of canola lights up the whole valley as June progresses 6.19.20

What a wonderful place to be in June! I hope you celebrate our lovely West Valley and take a moment to find something to marvel at every day.

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